One thing that really jars on a Lugger (or any other Drascombe with a steel sheet horse pole), is the way the ring traveller will move rapidly across when tacking and slam into the GRP pole support with a sickening thwack! In time this shatters the gelcoat and the underlying laminate of the support.
Connected with this I have long thought about devising a simple method of controlling the position of the traveller, especially to keep it in the centre of the pole when close-hauled on a beat to windward.
This page describes an answer for both problems.
There are several ways of doing this, but my preferred method is to use two Sea Sure Tube Clamps. Two clamps (Part No. 16.64), will fit tubes of 25 mm (1 inch) diameter. The Lugger pole is about 27 mm in diameter but the clamps will still fit OK. They can be attached at each end of the sheet horse pole (See pictures below).
Classic Marine supply what they term a Horse Traveller which slides along the sheet horse with much less friction than the stainless ring. This is made from bronze and can be attached to the sheet horse pole without removal from its supports. It is kept on the pole with a clevis pin to which the mainsheet block is also attached (See pictures below).
This can be done by attaching a ClamCleat CL244 - Aluminium Boom Cleat and Clamp, to each end of the sheet horse pole. A line from this cleat is tied to a ring attached to the Horse Traveller, thus allowing it to be locked (cleated) in position, or else, uncleated, move freely along the pole.
Follow this link To go to the ClamCleat website for more information on the CL244 cleat.
Project started September 2006 and completed, October 2006