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These 4 pages describe the removal and re-installation of the 'Chimp' Bilge Pump which on some early Mark 2 Luggers is mounted on the aft end of the centreplate case. This is a tricky operation as the pump is a tight fit within the casing. On Sospiri the pump had to be removed as the galvanised jubilee (hose) clips were rusting, the wooden plywood mounting board was splitting, and the pump was held in precarious position on the board by two small wood screws instead of the proper four M5 bolts.
The mounting of the bilge pump on the aft end of the centreplate casing has been discontinued in currently manufactured Luggers in favour of a location on the aft cockpit bulkhead with a discharge through the hull.
A problem with the centreplate casing mounting of the pump is that an acute 90 degree bend is required in the polythene outlet pipe. This causes the pipe to kink severely, restricting the water flow out of the pump. The solution adopted here to solve that problem is to fit a 22 mm diameter copper 'elbow' joint as used by a plumber and available at any DIY hardware shop or plumbers merchant (See sketch below).