Alberta Victoria Sarah Caroline Windsor-Clive (Countess of Plymouth)
Alberta Victoria Sarah Caroline Windsor-Clive (Countess of Plymouth)
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Letter from Alberta Victoria Sarah Caroline Windsor-Clive to Andrew Alexander Pettigrew, 9 May 1916

Hewell Grange

May 9.16


I am sending you some papers about the Horticultural Refief Fund. Will you read them through. They will give you an idea of the way it is being worked in other parts of the country. Of Course Wales is rather difficult to deal with

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in somw ways. To begin with there have been a great many appeals to help the Allies already & I think there is a wish now to help Wales & the Welsh regiments. So that I do not think it w[ou]ld be much use to have a meeting at present to form any organization. I think the best thing would be to send out

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to all the people who w[ou]ld be likely to take an interest & help, - the circular which I have marked with a cross - together with a lithographed letter from myself. When that is done I w[ou]ld write personally to as many of the people who have large gardens in Glamorgan asking them to open them to the public once or twice a week for a small fee in aid

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of this fund. You could help me by making a list of people interested in horticulture & also by speaking of this fund to those who would be likely to help. Is there a horticultural So:[ciety?] in Glamorgan who w[ou]ld take an interest? If it is necessary we could have a meeting later on. Will you let me know if you think you can help me in this matter & I should be glad of any suggestions you

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can make.

We have had news of Lt. Windsor [Ivor Miles Windsor-Clive?] but he seems to have much less to do now that the Hospitals in Malta are emptying. the weather here is awful & bitterly cold. I only hope it will not turn to frost after all this rain

Yours faithfully

A[lberta] Plymouth

(Doc Ref: 2008.050)