Alberta Victoria Sarah Caroline Windsor-Clive (Countess of Plymouth)
Alberta Victoria Sarah Caroline Windsor-Clive (Countess of Plymouth)
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Press release from Alberta Victoria Sarah Caroline Windsor-Clive, May 1916

Hewell Grange
May 1916


May I through your paper make known the object of the Horticultural Relief Fund which I have been asked to further in Glamorgan. The fund which is in connection with the Royal Hort:[icultural] So:[ciety] was started a year ago for the purpose of enabling our Allies where the war is over to re-start their horticultural industries. Everyone in the empire feels the deepest sympathy for those people of Belgium, Northern France Serbia & others of our Allies who have suffered & are still suffering the worst horrors & ravages of war, & much has already been done to help those who have sought refuge in our country. But altho' the present needs of the people are being provided for as far as possible - there is yet more important help to be given when peace shall once more be restored, & that is the financial help which will raise up the ruined & set them on their feet again - & enable them to earn their living. For this purpose funds must be collected beforehand so that they may be ready to be administered at the earliest moment after the cessation of hostilities. In all invaded territories horticulture

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has been the means of subsistence of the inhabitants - That trade has been temporarily ruined. Nurseries have been laid waste, glasshouses broken down, unnumbered acres of valuable young plants ruthlessly destroyed & many thousands of men & women employed in cultivation reduced with their families to the verge of starvation. To give real & lasting help to these people we must be prepared to assist them at the critical moment to start their industrys again. To wait till the war is over before accumulating such a fund would be a fatal mistake, for, whilst the appeal was being made & funds collected others might step in & usurp the trade which these people, our Allies, have built up by their industry enterprise & thrift.

H.M. the King has given £100 & the Royal Hort[icultural] So:[ciety] has contributed £1000 & other subscriptions have been received - but in order to do the work adequately a very large sum is required. Every county is being asked to contribute & I have promised to do my best to make the scheme & its object known in Glamorgan & to collect funds towards it. It has been suggested as one way of collecting money for the fund that owners of gardens should open them once or twice a week to the public for a

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small fee - also that garden produce might be sold at shows for the benefit of the fund - Tea might also be provided for the same purpose.

May I take this opportunity of saying that the gardens at St Fagans will be open to the public on Wed[nesday]s & Saturdays until further notice. The entrance fee will be 1/ [1 shilling] from 2-5 & 6d [sixpence] from 5-8. Any contributions to the fund may be sent to Mr Mundy St. Fagans gardens & any further information concerning it can be had either from him or Mr A.A. Pettigrew Roath Park Cardiff.

I am
Yrs faithfully
A[lberta] Plymouth

(Doc Ref: 2008.051)