Trish in Hen Costume
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Hen & Stag Photos
(This page)


Tim in Stag Costume
Pre-wedding & Meeting House Photos. Reception Arrival & Table PhotosHunton Park Gardens PhotosCutting the Cake & Musical DiversionMiscellaneous Photo GalleryHoneymoon Photos

Hen & Stag Photos
(This page)

Trish & Tim's Wedding.
The Hen and Stag Activities, May-June 2017.

Navigation guide.
Click on any small thumb-nail image to view a larger version. Then, when you have finished viewing, either click on the NEXT or PREVIOUS links below the large pictures to view the next or previous in the sequence. Or else simply click anywhere on a large picture to return to the small thumb-nail images.

This page shows the Hen Party/Stag Evening pictures. Use the links on each side of the page to view the other wedding day activity pictures/videos.

Trish's Hen Activities.

Trish had two Hen activities; one on the 18th May at Cathy Pearman's house, and the second on the 24th May at Cliveden House, Bucks.

Thursday 18th May, Hen Party Wednesday 24th May, gathering of Hens at Cliveden House, Bucks. Wednesday 24th May, gathering of Hens at Cliveden House, Bucks.
Wednesday 24th May, gathering of Hens at Cliveden House, Bucks (Photo by Hazel Carmichael).
Wednesday 24th May, gathering of Hens at Cliveden House, Bucks. Wednesday 24th May, Hens Picnic at Cliveden House, Bucks. Wednesday 24th May, Hazel's Cup Cakes at the Hens Picnic, Cliveden House, Bucks.
Wednesday 24th May, Trish in Hen Costume at Cliveden House, Bucks (Photo by Hazel Carmichael). Wednesday 24th May, Trish in Hen Costume at Cliveden House, Bucks (Photo by Hazel Carmichael). Wednesday 24th May, Trish in Hen Costume at Cliveden House, Bucks (Photo by Hazel Carmichael).
Wednesday 24th May, gathering of Hens at Cliveden House, Bucks. Wednesday 24th May, Trish in Hen Costume at Cliveden House, Bucks. Wednesday 24th May, Hens Picnic at Cliveden House, Bucks (Photo by Hazel Carmichael).

Tim's Stag Evening Activities.

Tim had one Stag Evening on the 2nd June, ably and very kindly organised by Dave Cadd in his garage at Hempstead Road.

Friday 2nd June, Tim's Stag Evening Video clip of Tim's Stag Evening

Photographs/videos taken on 18th, 24th May, & 2nd June, 2017.

Created by Tim Pettigrew & Trish Sale 16th June 2017, last updated 25th 2017.